
Tag Archives : electronic music

LIS-BOYS / GIRLS-BON – the most prettiest danceable garden in the world

It took longer than usual, but when LISB-ON  is over it means the end of the summer and assuming our favourite season’s closing is not easy (though extremely necessary). So that is why. Lisb-On presented us once again with a sublime line-up and Lisbon, our majesty, with three of the hottest days we had this summer. All the stars were…

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Andar à fresca na Primavera // esta 6ªf – Fresh Back with Frenzy @ Ministerium Club

Uma ode à Primavera é a promessa da Frenzy para esta 6ªfeira, 13. Amanhã vamos ter convites duplos para oferecer no insta do Bestivals. Stay tuned. Stay Freshhhhh! “A primavera chegou! Na vida podemos passar por momentos hibernais, momentos de pausa. É nestes períodos que algo muito belo pode acontecer. Vamos concentrando as nossas energias, até que um dia uma…

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